
Square Enix has shared a little bit more about Harvestella in advance of the game’s November 4th, 2022 release, and the latest tidbit reveals the gender options available to players.

As you can see in the image above, Harvestella will allow you to pick a non-binary option when choosing gender. This is the very first time a Square Enix game officially offers a non-binary option to players.

Eurogamer spoke to producer Daisuke Taka about the decision, and you can read his full statements below.

“I think it’s completely normal these days for non-binary to be included in gender selection. The visibility of gender non-conforming people has become much more commonplace, so we thought it was important to reflect this within the game and show that all players are welcome to Harvestella.

Using gender-neutral pronouns takes a relatively small amount of effort, yet the positive impact is huge, as it means you are making the effort to include everyone - and our game is for everyone. There’s no major impact on the game other than pronouns changing, but we hope that this means everyone feels included.

The protagonist of Harvestella is the player. We thought it was important to have the player create their own character, selecting different elements, including gender, appearance, voice and name. We felt this was important so players aren’t limited, and feel free to express themselves however they want and as a result are much more attached to their character.”

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Comments (8)

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Technically all games are binary (once compiled)….get it….*crickets*
Anyways, good to have options for people to express themselves and identify with.


1+ y ago

Technically all games are binary (once compiled)….get it….*crickets*
Anyways, good to have options for people to express themselves and identify with.


1+ y ago

do you choose body type separately? and if not, which body type are non binary choosers given?


1+ y ago

This is such a backwards decision. There are at least 72 known genders, and Enix think it’s fine to only present 3??? I’d rather 0 genders than this harmful trinery gender option. It reminds me that my pronouns of xi/xer/xirself will never be accepted.

mock turtle

1+ y ago


Christ you people have one joke.

Be nice, think before you write.


[comment rejected]


1+ y ago

Im so confused... wow.