
We got our first look at the character designs for the Super Mario Bros. animated movie in an odd way. It turns out some marketing materials leaked from various sources, one of them being McDonald’s. Fast-forward a couple months and yet again we’re seeing more Mario movie content from Mickey D’s.

For those who don’t know, we learned awhile back that McDonald’s would be offering Happy Meal toys that were based on the Super Mario Bros. animated movie. We even got a look at those toys as well. If you missed out on those images, now you’ve got another shot to take a peek.

Obviously, some people will consider these images spoiler-worthy. If you don’t mind a look at characters and designs for the Mario movie, then you can click this link and see the latest image.

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1+ y ago

I remember when I was a kid and McDonald’s had Mario 3 happy meal toys. I was so excited to get one because there weren’t a lot of Nintendo toys at the time. McDonald’s is revolting but I still convinced my parents to take me. I was ecstatic to get the jumping Mario. Such a simple time….

I really wanted the Goomba toy because I loved Goombas. But my family never ended up going to McDonalds at the right time.