Super Mario fans might not have to wait much longer for updates on the upcoming Super Mario Movie. While no content is available yet, the official Super Mario Movie Twitter account seems to be available, with more information “coming soon” according to the profile. This account has not been confirmed by Nintendo yet as legitimate, so fans may want to hold onto their expectations for the moment.

While we wait for more movie-related content, you can follow the account at @supermariomovie on Twitter.

About onettqueen


I (Elizabeth) am a news writer here. I enjoy all genres of games, but RPG's are my favorite. I try to play a little bit of everything, leading to an excessive backlog :). I view games as an experience to enjoy as well as an interesting study on how the medium evolves. @OnettQueen

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2y ago

Joined January 2021 and looks to be “verified”?
Could be legit.