
Capcom has shared a new financial earnings report featuring their most recent sales statistics. According to the report, Capcom has just seen its highest net sales and operating income in the publisher’s history. The good news extends specifically to the Resident Evil franchise, which has apparently sold over 157 million units worldwide.

That 157 million figure includes sales of all Resident Evil games across all platforms since the series’ debut in 1996, several of which are currently available on Switch. The franchise shows no sign of slowing down any time soon. Capcom seems quite eager to release new entries and remakes that reinvent exactly what a Resident Evil game can be.

Other Capcom series are no slouches. The report shows that the Monster Hunter series has sold over 100 million units, with Monster Hunter: World being the highest selling title in Capcom history. Meanwhile, Street Fighter has hit 54 million, and Mega Man 41 million.

Click here to read the full report for more insight into Capcom’s finances.

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3M ago

Retro collection. NOW.