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3Souls - still on track for Q2 2016, will now be episodic

by nintendaan
11 April 2016
GN Version 5.0

I would like to share with you some updates about the launch of 3Souls, our indie game currently in development, exclusively for Wii U.

During this year, we have announced that the game will come in Q2 2016. On the last part of the development more great people has been involved making possible a much better final experience and quality of the game, as you can see on the last trailer here:

This could have meant that we would have to delay the game one more time, to make sure that the entire product get all the quality that we are looking for right now.

But we have decided not to delay more the game and let the people start playing with 3Souls in the time planned.
And to make sure that we get still the quality in time,
we are going to split the game in 3 parts. 3Souls is the story of 3 different characters and an episodic format will fit perfectly on this game.

With this new format, we will be able to launch
3Souls - Episode 1: Nelesa still on Q2 2016, with the quality that we can achieve with all our new team members, launching the other two episodes during this summer.

Another key reason to take this decision, was the way we introduce 3Souls to the people. We find that the marketing in a game like this, is really tricky, because we need to reveal the use of the Wii U GamePad in order to show some interesting gameplay. And this is spoiling and breaking the experience of the game, because how to use it, is part of the puzzle itself.

Bringing the game in an episodic format, let the player to start playing with it, for a much lower price, and the word of mouth will probably help us more than spoiling the game with more trailers, conserving the experience that we want to transmit the first time that the player plays.

Saying this, we can assure you that the final price of the first episode plus the other two as Add-on Content, will be the same price that we had in mind when we wanted to launch it as one single game

We are looking forward for you to play 3Souls - Episode 1: Nelesa in the coming months!

[Red Column PR]