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Super Mario Odyssey - UK website open

by rawmeatcowboy
18 July 2017
GN Version 5.0

Check out the site here

Travel the World!

In his new adventure, Mario’s got a whole new world to explore! From mysterious ruins to neon-lit cities, each Kingdom is like a playground filled with loads of secrets to discover and Power Moons to collect!

Princess Peach and Bowser are getting married!?

Princess Peach has gone missing yet again, and it’s up to Mario to rescue her from Bowser’s clutches! This time, the dastardly villain is planning a lavish, no-expense-spared wedding so he can finally tie the knot with poor Peach.

Team up with Cappy!

Mario isn’t alone in his quest to track down Bowser – he’s got a new friend in the form of Cappy, a mysterious character from the land of hats who’s transformed himself into Mario’s trademark red cap.

Use Mario’s cap to take out enemies or to jump higher. He can even harness its powers to capture enemies, including Goombas and Chain Chomps, as well as balls, taxis and…a T-Rex?!
