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The creator of Pokemon talks about games being accepted, Pokemon GO's reach, and the origins of Pokemon

by rawmeatcowboy
04 September 2018
GN Version 5.0

Satoshi Tajiri is the founder of Game Freak and creator of the Pokemon franchise, so he's been with the series right from the start. In an interview with Sankei, Mr. Tajiri shared a number of thoughts on the franchise, including how things have changed since Pokemon originally saw release.

- before the release of Pokemon Red and Blue, Tajiri wanted society to accept the idea of adults playing video games
- when Tajiri was in middle school, many people believed those who played games would slip into delinquenc
- the perception that games are for children has been destroyed in today's world
- nowadays adults can enjoy video games just like anyone else
- home consoles and handheld consoles have become commonplace
- games have been recognized as a medium that helps to improve people’s lives
- Pokemon GO was a ground breaking game that shattered the notion that video games are bad for health
- with Pokemon GO, the playing field has greatly expanded to the entire world in one fell swoop
- Tajiri and Pokemon GO devs are happy to hear about how people are using Pokemon GO as a way to improve their health
- the concept of Pokemon started with catching insects during childhood
- when talking to other staff members at Game Freak, they felt they experienced the same things as Tajiri
- the childhood experiences Tajiri and other Game Freak staff had culminated into the battling, trading, and friendship elements
