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Dragon Quest Builders 2 - details on Malroth, more pictures

by nintendaan
09 April 2018
GN Version 5.0

The following translated details come from Gematsu...

- boy who lost his memory that the protagonist encounters on the Vacant Island
- other than his name, Malroth, he has lost all of his memories since coming to the Vacant Island
- luckily, he hasn’t lost the ability to build
- very good at fighting monsters and collecting materials
- using the power he possesses, Malroth will play a big role in battles and material collection
- Malroth will aid the hero as a relaible ally
- he will fight monsters with powerful attacks
- also helps collecting materials using the power he possesses for building
- create weapons and equip them to Malroth
- if you equip him with a powerful weapon, Malroth will play an even greater role
- when the protagonist starts collecting materials, Malroth will lend a hand
- use the power of two to cover more ground
- while Malroth plays a big role in material collection, he is not good at building things himself

More pictures here!