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Dragon Quest Builders 2 - info on mining and builder puzzles

by rawmeatcowboy
19 October 2018
GN Version 5.0

V-Jump once again has the scoop on some new details for Dragon Quest Builders 2. This week's issue gives us info on mining, as well as 'Builder Puzzles.'

Mining with Ruffians

The protagonist visits Occulm Island in search of metal. Together with ruffians that specialize in mining, go on a grand adventure in the underground mines spread across the island! Break through blocked paths and broken tracks.

Solve Builder Puzzles Scattered Throughout the World

In Dragon Quest Builders 2, there are ruins all throughout the world where players can challenge “Builder Puzzles” that call for the power of a builder. If you solve the various puzzles of each ruin, something good may happen.
