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Game Boy Camera mod uses a DSLR lens for super-sized pictures

The Game Boy Camera finds new life
by rawmeatcowboy
20 August 2020
GN Version 5.0

The Game Boy Camera isn't known for having the most sophisticated camera tech, but it's still a fun accessory to play with. It also continues to gain fans all these years after releasing, and some of them aim to push the camera far beyond what it was originally capable of.

In the video above, you can see a new mod for the Game Boy Camera that lets it connect up with a modern DSLR lens for some mega-sized pictures. Sam McKenzie, the person behind the mod, shared some of the technical details of the project.

"Using a 70-200mm lens takes the focal length to around 3000mm on the Game Boy Camera, allowing us to take some creamy retro photos at an insane 0.1 megapixels. But, after blowing our budget on the 3D printer, we didn’t have enough to purchase a now rare Game Boy Printer, so we took the Game Boy Camera and brought it into 2020 by having the results printed onto canvas professionally."

The end results are really impressive, and are sure to have some other Game Boy Camera users out there looking to try out this project themselves.
