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Project Triangle Strategy demo surveys being sent out

Your feedback matters!
by rawmeatcowboy
23 February 2021
GN Version 5.0

If you played the Project Triangle Strategy demo, keep an eye on your inbox. Square-Enix and Nintendo are sending out surveys to see what you thought of the experience. Your feedback will help shape the game going forward, just as the surveys did for Octopath Traveler.

Just in case you're wondering what the survey asks about, you can see the full set of questions below.

How satisfied are you with the game? (1 ~ 5)

What did you like about the game? (free text input)

What did you dislike about the game? (free text input)

What, if anything, were you particularly dissatisfied with? (free text input)

Which route did you play?

Gave up Rolan
Did not give up Rolan

Please select any characters which joined your party (multiple choice)

Nobody joined
Of the characters which joined, please select those you used in battle (multiple choice)


(If you select "Nobody", another question pops up: Please tell us the reason)

Regarding the game system, please select any areas you found difficult to understand or mechanics you didn't realize existed (multiple choice)

Ending the RPG part (L button)
Persuasion (how to persuade)
Changing the display of units in battle (using the L stick to toggle HP and Turn Order)
The display of reinforcements in the bottom right during battle
Buying items in the shop
Hub area (the tent with the shops and whatnot. I don't know what it's called in English)
Exchanging units during battle preparation
Moving units during battle preparation
Using the camera
The camera's bird's-eye-view
The camera's distance control (zoom in / out)
None of the above

(If you select "None of the above", another question pops up: **Please tell us about any other areas you found difficult to understand.")

Regarding the first battle (on the bridge). Did you play this battle? (Yes / No)

Regarding the second battle (in the village). Did you play this battle? (Yes / No)

Regarding the third battle (in the field). Did you play this battle? (Yes / No)

(For any of the above questions, choose "Yes" shows four additional questions: Please select the difficulty (hard, okay, easy), How satisfied were you? (it was fun, it was not fun), How long did you play? (15min, 30min, 60min, more, I don't remember), How satisfied were you with the playtime? (short, okay, long))

What is your gender?

Choose not to answer

What is your age? (options <10, intervals of 10, and >60)

How often do your play simulation (tactics) games?

Sometimes, or I have played one before
This is the first time

Please select games / game series you enjoy (multiple choice)

Fire Emblem
Super Robot Wars
Valkyria Chronicles
Final Fantasy Tactics
Tactics Ogre
Bravely Default
Octopath Traveller
The Banner Saga
Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Advance Wars
Gears Tactics
Shining Force
None of the above

When playing simulation (tactics) games, what do you find important or enjoy? (multiple choice)

Graphics and art style
Difficulty level
Variety of characters and their unique attributes
Character growth and class(level) mechanics
Amount of content and playtime
The way your choices affect the development of the story
The ability to choose the most effective character(s) in your team
Thinking strategically and playing at your own pace
Using the advantages / disadvantages of your units and the environment
I don't know

(Selecting "Other" shows a free text input for additional explanation.)

Do you plan on purchasing Project TRIANGLE STRATEGY?

I don't know
Probably not
