
As you’re no doubt aware, there’s been quite a situation brewing recently between PlatinumGames and original Bayonetta voice actor, Hellena Taylor. To catch you up very quickly, Taylor alleged that PlatinumGames offered her $4,000 to reprise her role as Bayonetta for Bayonetta 3, and she turned the offer down. Taylor then told fans to boycott the game via a series of videos shared on Twitter. Shortly after, PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya took to Twitter to say “Sad and deplorable about the attitude of untruth. That’s what all I can tell now.”

Since sharing that tweet, Hideki Kamiya’s Twitter has gone dark. We don’t know if he’s official deleted the Twitter account or just gone inactive for the time being, but either way, Kamiya’s presence is gone. While we don’t have the official reasoning for this disappearance, it’s obviously quite likely this is tied to Taylor’s allegations and the flood of tweets heading to Kamiya’s account.

We’ll keep an eye on Kamiya’s Twitter going forward to see if he returns or shares further statement on this matter.

Thanks to Olivia for the heads up!

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I assume he temporarily deactivated it because he absolutely loathes being bothered by people on there.


2y ago

Honestly, Platinum games should have reigned him in, and had him get off social platforms a long time ago.

His antics are funny, sure, but not becoming as the face of a company, especially since Platinum has been trying to expand in recent years.


2y ago

I assume he temporarily deactivated it because he absolutely loathes being bothered by people on there.


2y ago

Twitter is the real villain of this story (and many others). No offense to Kamiya—if anything, this makes him the bigger person. I see this as an absolute win!

dark weres

2y ago

I stand with the game industry workers who suffer in their craft. I don't however, stand with people who incite hate mobs. And the hate-mob against Nintendo-exclusive third party games are among the most unhinged out there.

I wasn't a big fan of Kamiya's behaviour, especially now knowing that there's xenophobic sentiment behind it too. I think it's right for anyone to block or at least mute the accounts who jump to the conclusion that Nintendo / Sega / Platinum are definitely in the wrong and feel justified in zerg-rushing.

dark weres

2y ago


You're right! Twitter people are very prone to zerg-rush tactics, and bot accounts, and there's no way to deal with a bunch of different accounts attacking you about a particular thing other than by , maybe, muting the words they're using or something


2y ago

Regardless of who may be in the right here, Hellena is risking being temporarily suspended from the VA industry for allegedly breaking NDAs. After Chris Niosi broke the NDA with Nintendo and got fired from Fire Emblem as a result, Chris lost some VA work in both games and anime for a time until he was allowed back in.

Chris still hasn't returned to VAing in movies since being fired from Fire Emblem. Chris's last movie role was in 2019 (though granted we don't know if some directors had tried to get him for movie projects that Chris had to turn down due to other obligations).

Edited 1 time


2y ago

Why cant you upvote mlre than one comment? This system is dumb, i agree with more than one people. Anyway, back tl topic kamiya must be tired of people bothering him, i guess he better shut down twitter for good, and keep focused on making kick ass games


2y ago

The Twitter mobs claim another victim... This whole situation has gotten far too out of hand.


2y ago

I used to respect this man.....I really hope the decision to undercut Hellena Taylor didn't come from him but his obvious damage control lie of a post didn't make him look good.


2y ago

It must've been exhaustive blocking folks that replied with criticisms about Plantinum Games to Hellena Taylor or showed her some sort of sympathy. I mean if you're not even tagged, that is just so much extra work. /s

I think Kamiya is talented and all but he definitely has the maturity of a toddler on social media. Disabling/deleting Twitter is the first step he should've taken.

Edited 1 time


2y ago

The man has a game to release in 11 days. Can't and doesn't need to be bothered with trolls right now.


2y ago

@dark weres

" there's xenophobic sentiment behind it too."

CAre to give a link? Or an example to this?


2y ago


This is the real answer I’m sure. When the Twitter mob descends as is no doubt happening right now, it’s best to just exit for a while.
Also, Platinum is trying to win more Nintendo contracts. I think anything more Kamiya says about this is only bad publicity, which won’t win them any fans at Nintendo.


2y ago


Its not even just that. He is super particular about who he wants to interact with om Twitter even before this. He has so many rules to what he will respond to without blocking you, which he references frequently, and he doesn't mess around. Things like questions in English? Blocked.