The Burrow of the Fallen Bear has been announced for release on Switch on January 12, 2023. It will be available via the eShop for $19.99. See below for more details.

The Burrow of the Fallen Bear’s seal is getting weaker and adventurers from the Furland Kingdom are coming to explore the house of one of the most fearful and violent assailants in the land. Guide a feline rogue named Krile on his journey to prove his worth and be chosen to save the Furry Heroes!

Burrow of the Fallen Bear is a furry-themed visual novel with multiple romance options layered within an exciting medieval adventure. Along the way, you’ll meet 3 potential companions with unique backstories and motivations. Each character comes to life with animated sprites.


  • Experience a furry fantasy adventure in a lush medieval world!
  • Meet 3 potential romantic partners, each contributing to the narrative in different ways.
  • Earn Badges as in-game achievements as you guide Krile to become a true adventurer!
  • Make important decisions that impact the story across 4 unique paths and 18 endings.
  • Enjoy animated HD sprites and an immersive original soundtrack!

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