RUMOR: Nintendo Skipping E3 2023 (UPDATE)

Nintendo a no show?

01 February 2023
by jmaldonado 12

IGN has reported that all of the “Big 3” console manufacturers, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, will be skipping the upcoming E3 2023 and have no presence on the show floor.

This information comes from “multiple knowledgeable sources” so take it with a grain of salt, however, it wouldn’t be surprising if it was true.

Nintendo was the first of the Big 3 to forgo a press conference in favor of their directs and while they still remained present on the show floor it’s clear they weren’t as committed to the show as Sony and Microsoft.

This also doesn’t necessarily mean we will go the month of June with no Nintendo news and it’s very likely they, as well as Sony and Microsoft, will host their own separate streamed events with no relation to E3, June is just a convenient time to make announcements.

While 2023 was supposed to be the year of E3’s glorious return it’s now hard to imagine this being successful enough for the show to continue. It’s too early to call if this is truly the last E3 but if it is I personally would miss it.

We will of course keep you updated for whenever Nintendo comments on the matter.

UPDATE: The ESA has provided a statement on E3 2023, which you can read in full below.

As you have likely seen, IGN published an article last night about E3. While we are not able to comment on the specific claims in the article, we wanted to share our commitment to moving forward with E3.

E3 has a rich history within our industry, and we are always heartened to feel the passion for the show and hear what it means to different people. Reviving a tradeshow after a three-year hiatus and a global pandemic was always going to have its challenges, which is why we conducted an extensive search (in consultation with the ESA member companies) to identify the best partner to produce E3. In selecting ReedPOP as our partner, we have been able to tap into their rich history of hosting popular industry events, like PAX, and broader consumer shows, like Comic Con.

They have made strong progress in reshaping the event and have received tremendous support from industry companies of all sizes who are not only thinking about E3 2023, but how E3 fits into marketing plans for 2024 and beyond.

It’s important to note that even as the show evolves and adapts, it will not impact the core of ESA’s work for its member companies. Our priority remains advocating for your policy interests on the state and federal level.

We will share news and developments regarding E3 as they are available. If you have questions in the meantime, feel free to reach out to me. Thank you for your ongoing support.


About jmaldonado


A recently graduated creative writer hoping to work his way into the greater gaming sphere.

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Comments (12)


1+ y ago

I really hope they at least do an E3 style Direct in June even if it’s not officially E3 related. Nintendo skipping out on a June Direct last year felt like if my family skipped out on Christmas and then randomly gave me one gift at a time throughout the year without warning. I didn’t like it. I am no fan of surprise announcements. Give me some structure please.

Edited 1 time


1+ y ago

If true, it's certainly the end of an era. E3 always felt like an extra Christmas half way through the year. As Nintendo stopped focusing on the show less and less, it was always a bummer to me.

I understand the logic behind showing things when they're ready and at specific times through the year instead of packing it into a single show, but I always enjoyed the surprise and impact a single show could have.

Despite all Nintendos dull E3s, there are plenty of moments that will never be beat for me. Watching Zelda's Twilight Princess reveal from 2004 always gives me the chills. Call me old fashioned, but I'll always prefer those Press Conferences to the new web info drops.


1+ y ago

I would lie if I said I was surprised about it. I have no reason to not believe the rumor.

It would be interesting to hear the reason. Do they have too little to fill an E3 presentation, or is Nintendo just being Nintendo (doing whatever the heck they want, without good plausible reason)? We'll probably never know.


1+ y ago

It makes sense imo. Nintendo has seen the benefit of their Directs for years now and with the pandemic it forced MS and Sony to adopt a different model to get their news/showcases out via other means.

I think it’s a better approach. Neither has to share the limelight and news cycle with any other if they produce their events on their own schedules.

Someone at nintendo said that if you have good times, you can stockpile games for releases in secret, for worse times. That's most likely their strategy right now concidering advance wars as just an example.


1+ y ago


That makes totally sense. The latest Fire Emblem game was apparently finished in 2021, it was in the news recently on GN.

Do you remember who said that, by any chance?

It was possibly on a interview on this site with either Miyamoto or Iwata, but could also have been in some of the financial reports they usually have around march every year (also mentioned here often).


1+ y ago

As far as I know it's not a rumor anymore but a fact (source: I heard it somewhere.).

cheesus 2

1+ y ago

Guessing after Tears if the Kingdom releases there's gonna be a dryspell of games for awhile.


1+ y ago

Last year was MISERABLE as far as Nintendo news goes. They didn't just skip E3, they remained quiet throughout and it took forever for their next Nintendo Direct. I don't mind that they're not physically at the show, but I hope they at least have good announcements for us.


1+ y ago

I have so very fond memories and watching E3 live when new consoles/games are announced/shown and everyone being blown away together. I know Nintendo has moved on to the directs which is great, but the live audience reactions made things more lively haha.


1+ y ago

Talk on the interweb streets is that Nintendo just don't have enough titles to show off to fill the event.
After BOTW2 we get Pikmin 4 and some few games while they get ready for the successor.