"Final Fantasy VII Day" officially registered in Japan

The day lands on the RPG classic's anniversay

31 January 2023
by camcritiques 0

Yes, you read that title right- Japan now officially celebrates Final Fantasy VII Day. From here on out, January 31st, the game’s anniversary, will be recognized by the Japan Anniversary Association as Final Fantasy VII Day, a day to celebrate the world of Final Fantasy VII. Yoshinori Kitase, director of Final Fantasy VII, has put out a statement via Twitter, which you can read below.

Tomorrow might be a good day to boot up Final Fantasy VII or Crisis Core Reunion on your Switch. Have a happy Final Fantasy VII Day!

About camcritiques


Cameron, AKA Cam, AKA Cam Critiques is a big fan of all sorts of video games, especially platformers and RPGs. He covers news and contributes the occasional feature here at GoNintendo, but you can also see more of his game-related work at https://www.youtube.com/camcritiques

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