
The original Pokémon anime run is coming to an end and Pokémon Co. is kicking off a brand-new anime series this year. To celebrate Ash’s amazing journey, Pokémon Co. has revealed a special collection that focuses on the music of the Pokémon anime.

Pokémon Co. and Sony Music Labels Ltd. have launched the Pokémon Anime Theme Song Collection “BEST OF BEST OF BEST 1997-2023,” which is an 8-disc collection of every Japanese opening and ending theme song used during the anime’s 25-year run. There are three different editions available to fans, with one standard and two limited editions to pick from.

The limited editions of these bundles include a DVD or Blu-ray that shows off the Pokémon anime theme songs alongside their actual intros from the show. In other words, you’ll be able to watch along with the intro/outro themes instead of just listen to them!

If you’re curious to see the track list for this 8-disc set, you can find a rundown of every song included here.

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1+ y ago

Listen... You guys haven't released a single OST since Let's Go... Maybe, just maybe, you can release the soundtracks people ACTUALLY want first?