Nintendo has announced a new Nintendo Direct presentation set to air live on February 8th, 2023 at 2PM PST. It will be roughly 40 minutes in length and focuses “mostly” on information regarding Nintendo Switch games launching in the first half of 2023.

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1+ y ago

Woop woop!! The hype train is fuelled up and ready to go.


1+ y ago

Super Mario Party 2 let's go


1+ y ago

Might want to make this a top story ;)



1+ y ago

My fingers are crossed for the long-rumored F-Zero GX Remaster. Also, give me Donkey Kong 64 for the Online Expansion. Sure, I'll take some Tears of the Kingdom nuggets too.


1+ y ago

Hooray for rumors that end up being true, but that also don't spoil any big news!

I'm excited.


1+ y ago

My only specific hope is Advance Wars getting released for real. Let me know the world's gonna be okay in some small token way.

Also, surely Tears of the Kingdom deserves its own direct at some point, right?


1+ y ago

Come one man, I need my sleep... T-T


1+ y ago

I’m thinking Pikmin 4 will be the standout game for tomorrow’s direct. Maybe some dlc for a few already released games and some new Zelda teasers at the end with one final surprise, (prime 4)


1+ y ago


I think the time for Zelda teasers is long gone. The game launches in 3 months and I feel like we will see a substantial preview along with some sort of hardware, be it a full system or just joycons.


1+ y ago

Can't wait for Nintendo to shadowdrop the Switch's successor!

cheesus 2

1+ y ago


I'd rather have Mario Party Allstars DLC, that game is needing some more boards and mini games to go from a great game to a nearly perfect one.