Triangle Strategy updated to Version 1.0.3

They're strategically hiding the details of this update

09 April 2022
by quence 1

Square Enix’s tactical combat game Triangle Strategy has received another update today. What does this update do, you ask? Here are the patch notes direct from Nintendo:

Several issues have been addressed to improve the gameplay experience.

…and that’s all we know! This could mean bug fixes, performance enhancement, or even… stability increases. We can’t say for sure, but nonetheless, the update should be rolling out to all players shortly. Triangle Strategy is available now, for download or in physical form for $59.99.

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2+ y ago

This game rules and I have over 100 hours in it. For whatever reason it did crash a fair amount though—luckily the auto save happens very frequently so I never lost any progress. Hopefully this patches some of those issues.