
Capcom recently released Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection on Switch, which includes the complete lineage of Mega Man Battle Network mainline games, which originally launched for the GBA between 2001 and 2006. This makes all the games included somewhere around 20 years old, give or take in either direction.

20 years is a long time no matter how you cut it. A lot can change in two decades, and that includes sensibilities and viewpoints. What was once considered acceptable or appropriate in one era can change considerably from one decade to the next, and clearly Capcom feels they’re approach to games has changed since 2001.

Those picking up Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection will notice that the game includes a blanket message on ‘insensitive cultural depictions.’ While Capcom doesn’t specifically state the content they feel to be out-of-step with today’s day and age, they clearly feel there are some things in these titles that haven’t stood the test of time culturally. Rather than remove the content completely, Capcom saw fit to include a warning about it for newcomers. This is a similar approach to how Warner Bros. handles the re-release of some of their classic cartoons, as some characters/personality traits would be considered by audiences today.

You can see the entire message Capcom included in Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection below.


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Comments (21)

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@conangiga That's an interesting theory, but a counterpoint would be, umm, the situation described in this article. The people at Capcom have, in fact, released this collection, apparently with everything they did and said back in the early 2000s still in place. They have taken the care, and they have done the thing. Seems like you can do that after all, what a shock.


1+ y ago

I seriously hate what has become of this world in the last few years. Always taking care not to say or do the wrong things only leads to people not doing or saying anything at all.


1+ y ago

@conangiga That's an interesting theory, but a counterpoint would be, umm, the situation described in this article. The people at Capcom have, in fact, released this collection, apparently with everything they did and said back in the early 2000s still in place. They have taken the care, and they have done the thing. Seems like you can do that after all, what a shock.


1+ y ago

Can we downvote comments?


1+ y ago

This stupid era is so sensitive I don’t get it specially from something that bring us nostalgia. All of you who unvoted for the other comment grow up!! Stop being victims.


1+ y ago

"insensitive cultural depictions" basically translates to any and all cultural reference that isn't made by the culture in question or made as even a light hearted joke.

I miss when you could make fun of things in a light hearted manner and not get treated as worse than actual murderers. You can make jokes WITHOUT being toxic you know. There is nuance to it but mostly just mean no I'll will.


1+ y ago

And they didn't include one in ZX Advent for Buckfire? YOH! (snort) ME BUCKFIRE! (snort) Or did they overlook him because surely no game released in the 2000s could be so blatantly offensive?


1+ y ago

Its just nonsense,this is like Disney being ashamed about their classic cartoons ,there is nothing wrong with the Battle Network games imho,its lighthearted story and characters, it tells me more about how toxic culture has become that they feel the need to label these games

the utility man

1+ y ago

It's great they didn't remove content for this, but we don't need the warning message. If you'd just let the people who are offended by this stuff scream into the void while you ignore them there'd be a lot less of them. Giving them attention like this only empowers them.


1+ y ago

Its nice to see capcom realized their audience includes people they were insensitive to in the past with hurtful stereotypes and other inappropriate themes. Afterall removing these things or keeping them in the games arent what made the games so great to begin with.


1+ y ago

I respect the decision they made here (granted I haven’t played the game and am unaware of these insensitive depictions).

If only Capcom would do the same thing with Capcom Arcade Stadium and keep the Hong Kong flag in Street Fighter II.

Edited 1 time


1+ y ago

Just stopping by to laugh at the irony of the delicate flowers offended by this message coming and telling everyone to not be offended. Every single time with you idiots. Every. Single. Time.


1+ y ago

They saw fit to include a non-sclaimer about nothing tbh. Sure there is some part in mmbn2 that you could argue is "oh no bad" but God damn. People are sensitive now if this series needs this. I'm just glad they didn't ruin the game with adjustments and made it clear they didn't do so by not fixing the text.

Ironic that the “trigger warning” triggered you eh?

[comment rejected]

mock turtle

1+ y ago

*takes long drag of cigarette*

To the people who are mad about this: they didn't even cut the content. This does not affect you in any way. Please find something real to worry about.


1+ y ago


Meh, seems like more people got triggered by my comment though. XD
It's not like Capcom putting this message in perturbs me in any way. I never said that. But it's just sad that no matter what you do and no matter what you say someone will always be mad (just look at the reactions to my comment). It's the whole situation that's grinding me down.


1+ y ago

“ But it's just sad that no matter what you do and no matter what you say someone will always be mad (just look at the reactions to my comment). It's the whole situation that's grinding me down.“

It’s so easy to tell when someone spends way too much time online. Touch some grass and I promise everything will be ok 👍


1+ y ago

I feel so bad for the people that feel offended by people feeling offended by their comments. Snowflake meet kettle?

[comment rejected]

"Snowflake meet kettle?"
Are you refering to yourself over there?
Being sad does not equal being offended and you are just proving my point in the end.
And now let this discussion end please.


1+ y ago


Yeah, clearly checkmate.