
In Pokémon Sword & Shield, the 2022 International Challenge April has started. This version of the online competition is a Double Battle with standard VGC rules. Of note is that “[a]ll players who enter and participate in at least 3 battles will receive a Shiny Galarian Moltres.”

The battles for the 2022 International Challenge April will start on April 15th 00:00 UTC, and end on April 17th 23:59 UTC. You can purchase Pokémon Sword & Shield from the eShop.

About onettqueen


I (Elizabeth) am a news writer here. I enjoy all genres of games, but RPG's are my favorite. I try to play a little bit of everything, leading to an excessive backlog :). I view games as an experience to enjoy as well as an interesting study on how the medium evolves. @OnettQueen

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2+ y ago

I...didn't know about the 'participate in at least 3 battles' thing... Which means all I've done until now was all for naught.