
According to a press release, Atari has completed its acquisition of MobyGames, a video game database site cataloging video game information “spanning back to the late 1950s.” Atari purchased MobyGames for $1.5 Million from AntStream.

The site hosts encyclopedic data on nearly every game released on Nintendo systems, categorized by year, genre, themes, the companies involved, and information regarding the requisite or supported technologies. The site also archives promotional material, screenshots, credits, descriptions, alternate titles, and trivia about each game in its database. The site is regularly updated, moderated, and sustained via contributors. Atari CEO Wade Rosen recognized the community’s involvement in MobyGames’s success and has stated that Atari is “committed to supporting the site in ways that improve the experience for both contributors and users.”

How do you think Atari’s leadership will influence MobyGames in the future?

You can visit the site to look at some of your favorite Nintendo games here.

About onettqueen


I (Elizabeth) am a news writer here. I enjoy all genres of games, but RPG's are my favorite. I try to play a little bit of everything, leading to an excessive backlog :). I view games as an experience to enjoy as well as an interesting study on how the medium evolves. @OnettQueen

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2+ y ago

Wait what?! Atari has money to invest in this AND leadership?