
In a recent interview with Siliconera, Executive Producer Yosuke Saito and Director Maasa Mimura discussed Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars and its quickly-released sequel, Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden. In the interview, Saito discussed how he was “conscious” of turning the game into a series, and that his staff worked diligently to allow this to be a reality.

Saito also detailed that, from the feedback of The Isle Dragon Roars, the team decided to implement “High Speed” mode to be usable for the entirety of The Forsaken Maiden. Mimura also noted that The Isle Dragon Roars established a foundation which allowed the developers to further expand on elements present in the first title, such as setting and story setup, for the sequel.

The developers also noted that they would make more games in the Voice of Cards series if the titles sold well, but they were tight-lipped about any potentiality of a Drakengard crossover. These titles drew a great amount of attention from fans of the Drakengard and NieR series due to sharing series’ creator YOKO TARO. Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden also has DLC featuring content from Nier: Automata.

Voice of Cards is a card-based, role-playing series published by Square Enix. You can purchase Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars and Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden via the Nintendo eShop for the Switch.

You can read the full interview, conducted by Jenni Lada, here.

About onettqueen


I (Elizabeth) am a news writer here. I enjoy all genres of games, but RPG's are my favorite. I try to play a little bit of everything, leading to an excessive backlog :). I view games as an experience to enjoy as well as an interesting study on how the medium evolves. @OnettQueen

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