
Nintendo updated the Switch firmware to Version 14.1.1 yesterday, which turned out to be a rather boring update. Nintendo shared the usual ‘stability’ patch notes and that was it. Turns out there was something else tucked away in the update that’s been dug up by dataminers.

While nothing major, it’s been revealed that Nintendo has added some new terms/words to their banned word list on Switch. If you try to use these words/phrases when signing up for an account or in select games, you’re going to be stopped from doing so.

  • “sendnudes” for all languages
  • various phrases involving death in katakana (starting with シンデ〜) for Japanese

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Comments (2)


2+ y ago

Is there a glossary of banned words?

I still can't believe I cannot name a Mii "JodySummer", like the F-Zero character, withit being banned and appearing as "J*dySummer". Is there something I'm missing?

Edited 1 time


2+ y ago

Whilst censorship of political and religious thoughts and beliefs is a bad idea, censorship of explicit language, or language involving death is vital for a healthy, functioning online community.