
These days, no one seems to be asking politicians the really important questions. For example, “Who do you main in Super Smash Bros. 64?” Luckily, we now have an answer for at least one former president, Barack Obama.

According to prominent Smash 64 community organizer Cody Daniels, Obama’s Smash 64 main is none other than Captain Falcon from the F-Zero series. Daniels had the opportunity to meet Obama as part of his wish for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The two of them even got to play a few rounds of Super Smash Bros. on the N64 together. This is where he learned about Obama’s favorite character to play, and got to see some of his Smash skills in action.

Daniels says that Obama was “surprisingly decent at the game, much better than the average casual player”. He also got to walk away with a signed copy of the N64 game and a special coin. This info comes courtesy of Daniel Lee, who got to chat with Cody Daniels about his experiences when he guested on the live poker show Max Pain Monday.

What Smash characters do other former presidents main? Will Obama’s support for Captain Falcon finally convince Nintendo to make a new F-Zero game? We can only hope…

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12M ago

wow, then I would like to see the showmatch between Obama and Reggie, former president of nintendo vs former president of america, who would win?!