Nintendo seems to be restricting foreign purchases of Argentina eShop games

"restricted to credit cards issued in the same country"

19 August 2023
by quence 5

Nintendo Switch owners have always been able to access international versions of the eShop by adjusting the location settings on their Switch. The Argentinian eShop in particular has been known for carrying digital games at much lower prices than in other markets. Now it seems that Nintendo is cracking down on people taking advantage of this difference.

As reported by Universo Nintendo, attempting to purchase a game from the Argentinian eShop with a credit card issued in another country will result in the error code 2813-2470. If you look the error code up on Nintendo’s web site, you’ll see this message: “Payment may be restricted to credit cards issued in the same country as your Nintendo Account. For example, a credit card issued in Mexico will not work if your Nintendo Account is set to Argentina.”

It’s unconfirmed at this time if this restriction affects all countries, or just certain regions. It’s also possible that this is a temporary restriction, as Nintendo has not made any official statement on the impetus behind the decision. For now, you’re probably best off sticking to purchasing games on the eShop that’s native to your country.

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11M ago

I think it's better if restrictions like this stay in place.
If I were living in Argentina I'd be mad I have to pay outrageous prices in my country because players in other countries are abusing the system to buy games cheaper.

It's a double-edged sword. On the one hand people using international credit cards to shop internationally to skirt local financial laws may cause governments to crack down on the trade, but then again some vendors allegedly price gouge the customers in their own countries who use either physical domestic cash or domestic credit cards.

I see people using international credit cards as sending a message to game companies that their domestic prices are ridiculous. Prices going up shouldn't be a good thing.

But taking into consideration inflation and the rising cost of development, the prices have gone up very little for many years. That is really the scapegoat for the problem; games domestically could be $30 USD, and as long as it's $5usd after conversion in Argentina, people would still continue to do this. It hurts people in Argentina the most when games increase in price by nearly 500% because people try and scam the system. And not just games, YouTube premium for example jumped up about 400% a year or so ago.

These companies are going to get what they want to charge, which again is not all that bad all things considered, and screwing over a low cost of living but low income country shouldn't be the answer because you're upset at a price.


11M ago

So instead of regulating the Argentinian eshops prices, which are lower than they should be (as I understand it), they restrict the players? Can someone explain that logic to me?


11M ago


The prices for Argentinian Switch owners doesn't go up dramatically. If you've looked at regional pricing on Steam in recent years, this has been an issue.