
Many of us have been playing Nintendo games since we were little kids, and we’ll follow the Big N wherever they go. While there’s no doubt we’re a large and dedicated group, there’s a much larger portion of the public that comes and goes out of gaming with the passage of time.

As we’re all away, free time is at a premium. Whenever you get a few, precious moments to steal away, it can be a struggle to figure out what you’re going to do. Again, we probably turn to Nintendo’s games as our first choice for entertainment, but others may go elsewhere. Those people could fire up titles on other platforms, or they may not even be playing games at all. Nintendo is keenly aware of this, recognizing that there’s always a struggle to garner attention.

In an interview with NHK, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa opened up about the challenge of constantly wooing people their way with the content they create. Becoming the hobby that people pour their time into is no easy task, with Furukawa noting that current fans could fall out of interest at any given moment. (h/t Nintendo Everything)

“We always keep in mind that if we do not keep putting out things that people truly want, they’ll get bored of us. Right now, there are various forms of entertainment besides video games. I believe that making people want to spend their precious time on video games, and Nintendo games no less, is a very harsh battle. We approach everything while resolved to the fact that at any time, people may start thinking they do not need Nintendo games anymore.”

[Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa]

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11M ago

A reality that people will stop buying Nintendo games when 90% of the games Nintendo makes are either critically acclaimed or sell gangbusters? lol


11M ago


I think you are looking at it slightly the wrong way. He's saying if they don't continue to put their best effort to their games and become complacent with what they currently have or quickly turn around auboar games for a quick buck, then they will start to lose people quickly. We saw it happen halfway through the Wii lifecycle, and we still see it happen with companies like Ubisoft who have struggled for quite a while now.

If anything, it's really just an empty PR statement for investors as they transition into a new platform after an extremely successful one as a good faith message that they will continue to do their best.

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