
Pokémon is undoubtedly one of the most successful franchises in the world, with merchandise and products across all different forms of media. Now, a recent report from product and licensing firm License Global has given us a better idea of exactly how big Pokémon really is.

According to the report, Pokémon products brought in a combined $11.6 billion in revenue in 2022 (that’s Billion with a B). This figure includes revenue from games, toys, and any other products licensed under the Pokémon umbrella. It’s a whopping 36.5% increase from 2021, when Pokémon products only brought in a paltry $8.5 billion.

Thanks to this tremendous growth, The Pokémon Company has been ranked #2 in brand growth by License Global. Not bad for a brand that’s nearly 30 years old!

Some of this success can surely be attributed to the release of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet on the Switch last year, as well as the launch of the Pokémon Horizons anime. Will Pokémon continue to grow in 2023 as well, or might things start to settle down? There sure aren’t any signs of this money train leaving the station any time soon, but we’ll have to wait to see just how far it can go.

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11M ago

*Obligatory “they don’t have to make good games any more” post*

¿Por que no los dos?