
This past week, we finally got a little closer to a release date for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge. While we still don’t know exactly when the game is coming out, we’ve learned it’ll drop sometime in Summer of 2022.

Along with that, developer Tribute Games brought the game to PAX East to give turtles fans some hands-on time with the beat’em-up. Tribute was also conducting some interviews while at the big show, which led to Tribute’s Frédéric Gémus sharing a few more details on the game with NoisyPixel.

Along with the release window, we found out that TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge is bringing back the voice actors who portrayed the turtles in the original animated series. Turns out that’s not the only way this game is trying to pay respect to that cartoon. You can expect to see the series’ trademark humor woven throughout the entire adventure.

We really wanted to present each level as an episode of the animated television series. This game is not only a love letter to the older arcade games, but at its very core it is inspired by the first television show that was on. I think the reason the games were so popular back in the day — and all the toys too — was because everything in the show was so well written and full of love for the franchise and a lot of fun in each episode. It was a very playful universe that lent itself well to video games. We really wanted to bring the humorous side of the show to the game. For example, you’ll see there is a foot solider working as the secretary at the start of this level. We have details like that to evoke the humor of the show. We want those elements everywhere in the game, not just the cut scenes.

[Tribute's Frédéric Gémus]

There was certainly a rich collection of characters on display in that animated series, as well as the franchise in general. While we’re not going to see everyone the turtles have crossed paths with, we will come across over 20 different bosses, including some who’ve never shown up in games.

The demo for PAX has Bebop and Rocksteady, which are two of the classic bad guys and henchmen of Shredder. We have a large rogues gallery of over 20 different bosses. There are a lot of characters from the TV show, but they’re not all characters we’ve seen in a video game before. We tried to have fan favorites, but also some surprises. It’s a new game and we wanted to make sure it feels fresh.

[Tribute's Frédéric Gémus]

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Comments (4)


2+ y ago

That is a wonderful helping of bosses. Will be even better if they announce more playable characters. Casey Jones just has to be there.


2+ y ago

Will the game unexpectedly swap which turtle I have like the TV show did with voices?

I have a strong hunch that Casey Jones is either a surprise upcoming announcement, or DLC. After all this fanservice, he'd be a weird omission.


2+ y ago


Agreed. Has to happen.