
Thirsty Suitors brings together a lot of different concepts - romance, cooking, combat, and even some skateboarding. For a game with so many disparate genre ideas, how did the team manage to make it feel like a cohesive experience?

If you’re looking for a little insight into that process, Polygon just shared an interview with some of the game’s development team. It turns out, those elements weren’t all in place from the beginning, but were added over time.

Chandana Ekanayake: Where do I start? It starts with the theme and the stories we wanted to tell, and everything else stemmed from there. We wanted to do an immigrant story, because a lot of the folks on the team are — it’s a fully remote team made a lot of immigrants.

That’s where we started. And then we knew we wanted to do a game about relationships. The battle system came out of that, like, how do we balance this argument personified into this battle, plus the writing, the dialogue back-and-forth. So from that, the story came through, throughout just a lot of iteration. Then we added the cooking — it was always gonna be a big part of it, because culturally it’s significant to be able to talk through things while cooking. And then skating was just something that made sense after — I don’t know, it just came about.

Meghna Jayanth: I think skating began as a loading screen. There’s so much creativity on the team; it was really just a loading screen that people loved. And then we built it. Working as the narrative designer, week after week, I would come back and be like, Oh, it’s been two weeks. I haven’t checked in on this. Oh, we’re making a minigame. There’s a little bit of exuberance and creativity on the team.

I think we pulled all of that in. Eka loves to call this a “baby Yakuza,” which I really love as a description. There’s really a sense of joyful abundance, like we’re presenting you with all of these delightful things to do, but hopefully it has some focus as well.

[Outerloop Games, Polygon]

Click here for more behind the scenes info on the development of Thirsty Suitors, including what it was like to work on the game during the pandemic. Thirsty Suitors is available on the Switch eShop right now!

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