
The Pokémon X Hatsune Miku collaboration has finally entered its musical phase. As previously reported, this collaboration, known as “Project Voltage 18 Types 18 Songs,” began by releasing themed artwork. With all 18 illustrations unveiled, we now enter the musical component of this collab.

The first four songs have already been released, and now Project Voltage has share the release dates and producers of the next batch of four songs (numbers 5 through 8 of 18). Check out the schedule below:

  • December 1, 2023 - cosMo@Bousou-P
  • December 8, 2023 - Tota Kasamura
  • December 15, 2023 - Giga
  • December 22, 2023 - Jin

Stay tuned as we await each of these song releases over the next four weeks.

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8M ago

Will this ever end!?!