
There have been rumors and rumblings of Nintendo characters appearing in Fortnite for years now. Back when Fortnite ran collabs with Sony and Microsoft, many thought for sure Nintendo would be in the mix as well. There was even talk of Samus making her way into the battle royale, but that never came to be. Now we know that it’s not due to a lack of interest from Epic.

While Epic hasn’t shared how long they’ve been courting Nintendo, Epic’s head of Fortnite’s ecosystem, Saxs Persson, confirmed in an Axios interview that they’ve been trying their best to find a way to collab with Nintendo. In particular, Persson likened the the hardness to which they pressed Nintendo to be, “I don’t know what the word for, like, making diamonds is.”

It appears there’s nothing in the works right now, but Epic is still keen on bringing Nintendo into Fortnite’s ecosystem somehow. Persson said that, “Nintendo has their strategy and we have our strategy,” and Epic hopes to make it happen some day. Along with that, Persson said he believes Fortnite’s players would “love it.”


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I was never more proud of Nintendo than now.


8M ago

I was never more proud of Nintendo than now.


8M ago

Nintendo would gain nothing out of this except the potential to get embroiled in any drama that might befall the game in the future. They'd also be authorising their IP appearing on rival consoles which is, to my knowledge, something that's never happened in the past outside of incredibly niche fringe instances on basically unheard-of tech.


8M ago

You mean they don't want their characters reduced to interchangeable parts in someone else's content mill? Good. And good on them for never licensing Funko Pops either. I wish Pokemon had done the same.

(Are there Mario Movie-specific Funko Pops? Haven't checked, don't care.)

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