DOOM, DOOM II, and Quake get new free add-ons on Switch

New content for old games

12 December 2023
by quence 2

Bethesda is spreading some holiday cheer with free updates for three of their Switch titles. DOOM, DOOM II, and Quake are all getting new content in the form of multi-level add-ons.

SIGIL II is the name of the add-on that is now available in both DOOM and DOOM II. This is a nine level mini-campaign which takes place in between the DOOM and DOOM II. It’s a brand new pack of levels made by a team headed by John Romero. This should make classic DOOM fans happy as well as bring some closure to existing storylines.


We’re not done with DOOM just yet though. Quake is also receiving a new add-on called QDOOM. QDOOM is essential a remake of the first episode of the original DOOM game reimagined in the Quake engine. You’ll be able to adjust whether the add-on uses enemies from DOOM or Quake - a unique way to experience a blending of both games!

Again, all these add-ons are available in the Switch versions of their respective games right now, for free. Click here to read an in-depth interview about the making of SIGIL II, and here to read on covering QDOOM.

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Comments (2)


8M ago

Are the 1/2 add-ons available for the physical compilation pack?


8M ago


I wish I had an answer on that, but I'll try to get one for you!