Spike Chunsoft shares their 2023 Annual Video Game Survey

What do you look for in a game?

16 December 2023
by quence 1

Spike Chunsoft has just shared their Annual Video Game Survey for 2023. This is an extensive survey which asks participants about which of the publisher’s games they’ve played, what features they most enjoy, and more. Nintendo pops up in a number of questions concerning things like which consoles you play the most and which publishers you buy from most often.

If you’ve played any of Spike Chunsoft’s titles like Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Danganronpa, or Zero Escape, you may want to chime in on this one. If not, you can still take the survey just for fun, as it asks a number of general gaming questions that aren’t specifically related to the company’s works.

Click here to take the survey.

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7M ago

Just finished the survey. Maybe they'll bring back the Zero Escape series now? ...a guy can dream.