
When it comes to facts about the successor to Switch, we don’t know anything. Nintendo hasn’t revealed specs, a release date, features, or even a name. Many think Nintendo will share some of those details this year, and some have gone so far to say the hardware will launch before 2025 arrives. The only thing for sure right now is that everything is speculation until Nintendo comments.

So…what information do we actually know? Well, according to the latest game industry survey, a modest amount of developers are already working on titles that will see release on whatever Nintendo brings out after Switch.

The Game Developers Conference has released the results of their 12th annual State of the Game Industry survey, and it’s got some very interesting tidbits. This year’s survey, conducted from Oct. 11 to Oct. 29, 2023, reflects the perspectives of over 3,000 game industry professionals. In particular, two of the questions asked will be of major interest to Nintendo fans.

In two different questions, we get to see what platforms developers are currently creating games for, along with what platforms they’re most interested in supporting. In one chart, we see that 25% of respondents are interested in Switch, but 32% are interested in Switch’s successor. In the chart that asks what platforms are being developed for right now, 18% say Switch, but much more intriguing, 8% say the Switch’s successor.

Are those developers planning on releasing games for the Switch’s successor without knowing specs, or are they currently creating titles based on specs Nintendo has shared with them? Well, that’s why this survey is anonymous, as those are details we can’t know! That said, it’s still extremely exciting to know that Switch successor software development is going strong right now. Let’s hope we get to see some of those titles soon!

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Man, these are such exciting times! Speculation on the next Nintendo system is always so fun.

In response to you: Here's some potentially promising data. At GDC 2013, before the Xbox One was even unveiled, and before the PS4 released, developers were surveyed to be working on games for those systems at 11.3% and 10.8%, respectively.

So, considering the fact that this is most likely the year that the Switch 2 is unveiled, it doesn't seem so bad at 8%, comparatively.

Here's the link:


6M ago

That number seems frighteningly low to me. If Switch 2 is coming out this Fall as literally everyone expects, you would hope to see numbers equal to the Switch 1.


6M ago


I'm one that thinks it waill be spring 2025 at it's earliest so this number is more or less what I expected.


6M ago


It’s not really. It’s pretty much half of what the current Switch is getting. And that’s also assuming every Switch 2 dev responded and responded truthfully to the survey.


6M ago


Man, these are such exciting times! Speculation on the next Nintendo system is always so fun.

In response to you: Here's some potentially promising data. At GDC 2013, before the Xbox One was even unveiled, and before the PS4 released, developers were surveyed to be working on games for those systems at 11.3% and 10.8%, respectively.

So, considering the fact that this is most likely the year that the Switch 2 is unveiled, it doesn't seem so bad at 8%, comparatively.

Here's the link:


6M ago


According to the last Direct it's releasing this year...


6M ago


From what you say here this looks pretty good. And more surely to join/have already joined since they want a piece of that cake.

But also, how many devs actually have dev-kits is unsure at this point.