Nintendo shares job listing relating to multimedia streaming

What content could they be cooking up?

25 January 2024
by quence 0

Nintendo has famously steered clear of the multimedia race amongst video game consoles. The Switch is lacking most of the big video streaming services like Netflix, and certainly doesn’t play 4K Blu-Ray discs. However, a new job listing that’s popped up from Nintendo of America indicates that they might be working on something related to the streaming field for the future.

The listing in question is referred to as “Software Engineer - Multimedia Technologies”. As pointed out by @necrolipe on Twitter, the position calls for someone capable of designing software for streaming and tracking multimedia content on “massively used” gaming consoles.

Could Nintendo be creating a sort of content streaming platform of their own? The position is vague enough that it’s hard to say for sure what this means, and of course, Nintendo could be experimenting with something that will never see the light of day. We’ll have to wait and see if the future brings some sort of Nintendo streaming service on the Switch, or possibly its successor.

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