Before the GameCube was released, Nintendo held their own special event called Space World 2000 to highlight its capabilities. That event featured a reel of tech demos for potential games, including Luigi’s Mansion, Metroid Prime, a realistic version of Zelda, and Super Mario 128 (which eventually led to Pikmin).

While footage of these tech demos has been around for years, the YouTube channel Hard4Games has just uploaded what might be the highest quality version yet available. The footage in question originated from a DVD included in an issue of the Japanese Gpara DVD Magazine. Hard4Games has converted that DVD to 1080p and 60fps, giving us a great look at how these demos were meant to be viewed.

In addition to the demos, the video also features a montage of Nintendo’s presentation and show floor. It’s a real trip into the past! Watch the full video above to find out which GameCube games and features were cut and which ones came to fruition.

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