
The Pokémon Trading Card Game can mean big money, with rare cards become more and more sought after. Unfortunately, that’s led to a recent burglary at Tofu’s Trading, a trading card shop in San Jose, California. This week, they experienced a break-in, and actually caught the thieves in the act via their security cameras.

The footage (which the shop owners uploaded to their official Instagram account) clearly shows a group of people breaking, entering, and taking a whole bunch of Pokémon cards, as well as some from other games. Their total haul had 35,000 Pokémon cards (including bulk, holos, and hits), some XY Evolution Booster Boxes, 500 card sleeves, and more. Although the police showed up, the thieves got out quickly and were not stopped or caught in time.

Tofu’s Trading doesn’t seem too discouraged by the event, stating, “They can take our products, but they can never take away our love of running a local hobby store in our community”. They also said that the robbery will not affect the store’s new releases this coming Friday.

Click here to check out the store’s security footage, along with some added graphics and sound effects to help lighten things up.


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