Donkey Kong almost fought aliens in Tropical Freeze

Two of the game's artists open up about early ideas

22 February 2024
by camcritiques 0

In a meaty interview with YouTuber KIWI TALKZ, Eric Kozlowsky and Ted Anderson, two artists who worked on 2014’s Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, discussed their work on the game to celebrate its 10 year anniversary, providing fans with some new behind-the-scenes details about Donkey Kong’s latest game. While discussing early ideas, Eric brought up an interesting way in which the team almost followed up on the ending of Donkey Kong Country Returns.

I think early on, I think it might have been discussed like were we going to do the snow theme or like a martian theme where because DK punched the moon at the end of returns, the aliens living on the moon were going to be the invaders, I think I might have have seen some like concepts of that but there was very few in number it was almost like at the level of Foodles, like you know wouldn’t it be neat if, but never anything concrete, yeah like so superfluous that it never even entered into a model. We were pretty settled early on with the Snowmads and all of that as being the direction going forward.

[Eric Kozlowsky]

In other words, Donkey Kong almost fought aliens instead of penguins. For similar details and more, you can watch the hour-long interview for yourself above.

About camcritiques


Cameron, AKA Cam, AKA Cam Critiques is a big fan of all sorts of video games, especially platformers and RPGs. He covers news and contributes the occasional feature here at GoNintendo, but you can also see more of his game-related work at

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