Sooner or later, most Switch owners are going to seek out an SD Card to increase their console’s internal storage. You might think that a quick trip to Amazon would solve this without any issue, but many gamers probably aren’t aware that there are fake SD cards being sold there by third party vendors. A new video from Nintendo Life has some pointers on how to avoid falling into this trap.

These fake SD Cards from vendors like “V-Grace” claim to offer large amounts of storage for super cheap prices. If that seems too good to be true, that’s because it is. In at least one instance, an SD Card claiming to hold 1 terabyte of storage actually holds closer to 64gb. If used, the Switch will be forced to overwrite data on the card once that storage runs out. Game saves and other data could be lost or corrupted because the Switch will treat the card as if it has a larger amount of storage available, and many customers won’t realize this until it’s too late.

When in doubt, be careful, and do your research before buying! Check out Nintendo Life’s handy video up above for more details on what to watch out for.

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4M ago

Game Saves on the switch are only stored in the internal memory so worst case scenario game gets corrupted and will require redownload on a REAL storage hopefully.