
James Montagna is the game director at WayForward, and he’s been behind nearly 40 titles throughout the company’s history. Just today WayForward announced Yars Rising, which takes Atari’s classic franchise and turns it into a classically-inspired 2D Metroidvania. Montagna is definitely involved in the game, and not only has WayForward’s own work help mold Yars Rising, it turns out Nintendo has as well.

You might remember that not that long ago, Nintendo and WayForward teamed up for Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp on Switch. This saw both WayForward and Nintendo work together to revive a pair of classic GBA titles, and that collaboration is an experience that Montagna will never forget.

In an interview with Game File, Montagna opened up about what it was like working alongside Nintendo.

“It’s like seeing a color that doesn’t exist. Like, there’s no name for that color. I couldn’t have imagined it before. But once you’ve been touched by that and you see that, it’s like, you just can’t see it another way.”

[WayForward's James Montagna]

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3M ago

The unknown color, Nintendorange