
When you’re making a game that uses a yo-yo as its main gameplay mechanic, making sure you get things right is paramount. The gang behind Penny’s Big Breakaway took this very seriously, and they spent a lot of time studying the pros to nail their approach.

In an interview with Games Industry, Game director and CTO Hunter Bridges spoke up why the team chose to go with yo-yo mechanics in the first place, and also detailed the amount of research they did on the world of yo-yos in order to solidify their plans.

“I would say the biggest reason that the yoyo is the central facet of the game is because there’s just so much potential that we were able to draw from it. Anytime you’re making a game, it’s always great if you can introduce elements that are constantly generating creative ideas for the team. We did spend a lot of time watching pro yoyo videos on Instagram and gained an appreciation for the skill. I don’t think anybody on the team is a particularly skilled yoyo-er. A lot of us bought yoyos after we started development to learn how to do it. It’s really hard!”

[Game director and CTO Hunter Bridges]

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3M ago

One of my dreams has been realized: GoNintendo posted about an article I wrote.


3M ago


I read the full article and then clicked on your profile on the site and this is your first article for them it seems, do you contribute elswere too?

I don't want to get spammy, but you can Google my name in the article. :)

Legit, tho, it's cool to think that several of the developers became interested in yoyo-ing while working on the game. I wouldn't be surprised if there are players out there who became curious about yoyos after playing it. I tried when I was a kid, and I already know I suck at it, ha ha.


3M ago


Didn't think about just Googling your name for some reason. Thanks for the reminder that Google exists :p