
There were a few months there where Switch successor rumors died down, but in recent weeks we’ve seen a major uptick, with details coming from trusted inside sources. That trend continues today, and it brings us a bit of discussion on the technical side of things.

Thanks to YouTube channel Moore’s Law Is Dead and content creator The Phawx on the Broken Silicon podcast, we now have some more rumored specials and technical details to go over. Again, none of this is confirmed, but here’s the supposed inside scoop:

  • Switch successor will have Xbox Series S-level ray-tracing functionality
  • Switch successor will be “clocked faster than we expect” in docked mode
  • Switch successor will be “clocked crazy low” when in handheld mode for better battery life
  • Nintendo is interested in both extended battery life as well as a low RPM fan

As we push deeper into 2024, the time when we learn official details on the Switch successor is no doubt drawing near. Will we hear something around what would traditionally be E3 time this year, or will Nintendo keep us waiting? All we can do is keep fingers and toes crossed for something official in the near future!

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The Series S has considerably outsold the Series X. Xbox’s problem in the last decade has been due to its software, not its hardware. The Switch successor catching up to the (lower end of the) current generation of consoles power-wise would be huge, and I can’t believe you still don’t feel like it would be enough. Especially with the Switch running laps around its competition in the past eight years while using PS3-level specs. Generational leaps are also becoming ever smaller and less meaningful, so I don’t think Nintendo will be left in the dust even if the PS6 and next Xbox come out within the next few years.


3M ago

Being clocked crazy low while docked does not bode well for the idea that you can play any game docked or undocked.


3M ago

I really wish you'd have some standards and not report this as a ruour. It's just click merchants making blind guesses about Switch 2 hardware specs. They have absolutely zero verifiable information to back up their claims so their assertions do not qualify as rumours.


3M ago


It makes me think these rumors have no legit source behind them.

*However* I could see Nintendo going with a very low base clock speed as long as they offer the option out of the gate to developers to run it higher at the cost of less battery life. ("Boost Mode" as it's known on the Switch)


3M ago

Super. Most of the industry decries the Xbox Series S as unnecessary and Nintendo wants to mimic its stats? If Valve makes a new Steam Deck with better specs than Series S, then Nintendo is back to not having multiplatform support. And I don't know if better battery life would be a win here for Nintendo. Nintendo has been lucky to date with inferior hardware, but superior battery life. =/

Edited 1 time


3M ago


The Series S has considerably outsold the Series X. Xbox’s problem in the last decade has been due to its software, not its hardware. The Switch successor catching up to the (lower end of the) current generation of consoles power-wise would be huge, and I can’t believe you still don’t feel like it would be enough. Especially with the Switch running laps around its competition in the past eight years while using PS3-level specs. Generational leaps are also becoming ever smaller and less meaningful, so I don’t think Nintendo will be left in the dust even if the PS6 and next Xbox come out within the next few years.

Edited 2 times