
You never know what’s going on with Nintendo when it comes to trademarks. Sometimes we get sneak peeks at things to come, other times it’s just Nintendo doing a bit of game name protection. It’s up to fans to decide which route Nintendo is going with each trademark drop, and today brings us two more to ponder.

Over in Australia, Nintendo has secured new trademarks for the Wii U game Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush alongside the 3DS title Fullblox, which we know as Stretchmo here in the states. While this would normally seem like nothing more than protective trademarks, the interesting thing to note is that the original trademarks for both of these games still exist.

Long story short, this isn’t the typical trademark renewal we usually see. Now as to what it means, that’s all speculation right now. We are in the twilight years (year?) of the Switch, and Nintendo loves to go the remake/remaster/re-release route in the late stages of their hardware. These two titles certainly seem ripe for a return, and the Switch’s end-game seems like a good place to do so. Whether that’s what’s going on here remains to be seen.


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3M ago

Kirby tend to have something super late in a console cycle released as well, so sounds kinda plausible imo, not that i think they have very many remakes overall though even if returns to dreamland dx was a recent one.


3M ago

Pushmo, Crashmo, and Stretchmo were all super good, and I would take anything new


3M ago

I would love both games, and i woudl like for the whole Wii U library to be ported: Yoshi Woolly World, Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, Xenoblade Chronicles X