
Afterlove EP is a unique narrative adventure game that’s scheduled to launch on Switch later this year. Sadly, the game’s creator Mohammad Fahmi passed away before the game could be completed. Still committed to finishing the game, his studio Pikselnesia has now commented further on what the process has been like of continuing their work without Fahmi at the helm.

According to the remaining devs, they are sticking as closely as possible to Fahmi’s vision, while still making changes and additions where necessary. To help keep things consistent, the new narrative lead is Sasha Ariana, who has worked with Fahmi on previous games. Speaking about Ariana, producer Ivor Dwitomo says, “She is the keeper of the vision for the story and has helped guide the new writers to ensure we maintain Fahmi’s vision for the story.” Dwitomo also assures fans that the game won’t be a wholly melancholy experience in light of its history, stating that “Sadness and grief will not dominate in the story – all emotional aspects will be there.”

Afterlove EP will be available sometime in Q3 of 2024. Click here for more insight into the game’s development, or read another quote from the game’s producer below.

“One thing I like from working with Fahmi is that he doesn’t leave anything in a grey area – either it’s black or white. He knew what he wanted for sure. The story outline was well documented before he passed away and the big direction decisions for Afterlove EP from start to end were very clear.”

“There are always changes as you go from planning to actually writing, and seeing it in the game then rewriting and so on, so we could not keep everything set in stone.”

[Ivor Dwitomo,]

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