Nintendo patent shows concept for a Mario themed sleep app

Dreaming about spaghetti again, Mario?

06 June 2024
by quence 3

It’s been almost a year since Nintendo launched Pokémon Sleep, a mobile app designed to track and game-ify your sleep habits. While that app continues to receive updates, it appears that Nintendo may have at one point been considering a different version featuring none other than Mario himself.

The discovery of a patent that Nintendo filed for some kind of Mario themed sleep app comes from user NefariousnessFit9350 on Reddit. According to the patent document, the design would be used to “calculate health information relating to sleep and/or fatigue of the user”. There are numerous concept illustrations included, which show Mario waking up in his bed, along with a brief message summing up the user’s sleep from the previous night. Overall, it looks like a very similar concept to Pokémon Sleep, but of course with Mario characters in the spotlight.


The patent also mentions an ‘adventure game’ mode of some kind. It seems that during the day, Mario would go out on missions of some kind, earning coins for the user. It’s possible that his progress would be determined by the user’s sleep patterns, but details are extremely vague on exactly how this all might work.

Although this is a legitimate patent filed by Nintendo, that doesn’t mean that anything will actually come of it. It’s possible that Nintendo was considering theming Pokémon Sleep around Mario instead, or that they planned a follow-up featuring different characters. It’s also possible that they only patented the concept to ensure no one else took it from them, and never had any intentions of releasing something like this at all.

Would you be interested in a Mario themed sleep app? Click here to peruse the document for yourself and see what you think.


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Comments (3)


2M ago

If this gives you Super Mario Bros 2 themed dreams then I'd be up for it!


2M ago

There's already a Pokemon sleep app (in Japan at least) so unsure there's enough room for both...


2M ago

Hmm, maybe for the next console, as some kind of streetpass like game(or streetpass coins gathereing) unless its very focused on mobile phones.