Diesel Legacy: The Brazen Age is a brand-new style of fighting game from Modus Games. Developed in-house by Modus Studios, this completely fresh take on the genre sees players engaging in 2v2 matches within an innovative 3-lane system against a gorgeous, hand-drawn Dieselpunk backdrop. Diesel Legacy: The Brazen Age will launch on Switch at a later date, but today brings us a new trailer that highlights Dieselmech - A three-ton absolute unit filled to the brim with extreme firepower that can leave your opponent in smoldering ashes (or whatever is acceptable by the rating boards). Landmines, heat-seeking missiles, thrusters, exploding payloads, machine guns and the ultimate organic lifeform death machine (otherwise known as a cat).

Dieselmech, originally designed as a friendly automaton, was repurposed into a mass-produced super soldier after his creator was abducted. These soldiers, camouflaged as “peacekeepers,” were armed with destructive weapons like cannons, using innocent civilians in slums as target practice. However, one particular Dieselmech (DM-00337), retains traces of his creator’s ideals, triggered by a lonely, orphaned kitten. Dieselmech may have the naivety of a child, but his strength is no joke. While still a force to be reckoned with in battle, he is beginning to learn the value of aiding others.

Diesel Legacy: The Brazen Age takes the classic fighting game formula and flips it on its head by placing 2v2 local and online co-op matches front and center in the arena. The game features distinctly unique playable characters, multiple varied stages and an innovative three-lane system, offering several methods of attack for each team all against a hand-drawn Dieselpunk backdrop.

Thanks to RealMatch™ rollback netcode, matches are virtually lag-free, making each punch feel seamless in each online match. Diesel Legacy: The Brazen Age also features comprehensive training and story modes for players to refine their skills against AI opponents.

Diesel Legacy: The Brazen Age will launch on PC, PlayStation® 5, Xbox Series X/S and Nintendo Switch later this year.

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