
Reggie recently had a sit-down chat at SXSW where he addressed a number of topics. During a discussion about Facebook, Reggie wasn’t afraid to share his full thoughts on the company’s direction.

“Facebook itself is not an innovative company. They have either acquired interesting things like Oculus and Instagram, or they’ve been a fast follower of people’s ideas. I don’t think their current definition will be successful.”

There’s no doubt innovation is very important to Reggie, and he sees it as the lifeblood of a company. Reggie very proudly trumpeted Nintendo’s innovation while with the company, even when a few of Nintendo’s bold steps didn’t take off. That spirit of innovation fuels Nintendo, and is an absolutely crucial piece of who they are.


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2+ y ago

He's not wrong. Zuck has mostly bought, stolen, followed, and emulated his way to the top of the social media chain. But to put on a positive spin, I think the innovation started and stopped at the core of facebook's humble beginnings when he mashed the idea of sites like MySpace and chat groups into one seamless flow of updates and got everyone and their dog to sign up to make it work.

Edited 1 time


2+ y ago

Shots fired from the big man!


2+ y ago


I wouldn't even call them humble beginnings. What Zuck made is something that has been attempted many times before only it was different for him because of the crazy amount of investors backing it. See right at the very beginning, companies could see the potential Facebook had for acquiring data on their users and exploiting that for profit.


2+ y ago


I stand corrected. Why I said "humble", i don't know. :)