
A Twitter User has discovered a new patent filed by Nintendo for a controller variant of some kind. Pictures and details are scarce, but it appears the patent filed last Summer, and was only made public in January.

New patents are not a guarantee that anything is coming, but sometimes do tend to hold slightly more weight than a trademark renewal.

As for the controller itself, it appears to be styled after a portion of the N64 controller. It’s missing the prominent prongs, the Z trigger, and some of the face buttons, but it’s clear the N64 controller was definitely a base for this design. It even appears to have the N64 Controller Pak slot!

About kissmyflapjack


Hello! My name is Flapjack - Eric being my real name, and I am such a Nintendo fan that I could have easily been born holding an NES controller. I even worked at Nintendo, and I am not even your uncle! I love Animal Crossing and Wii Sports, and am a big fan of anything retro.

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Comments (3)


2+ y ago

Nintendo missed out on some fun opportunities when they omitted the expansion slot on their new wireless N64 controller. Maybe this is supposed to make up for that?


2+ y ago

wasnt the pokken controller similar to that(kinda simple), pokken 2 could get its own one in that case...


2+ y ago


I completely forgot about the Pokken controller!