
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the latest entry in the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise, and as many have heard, it’s also the last. Monolith Soft had a very succinct trilogy in mind for the Chronicles titles, and we’ve arrived at that moment. That said, the Xenoblade series in general is nowhere near done.

Monolith Soft’s Tetsuya Takahashi shared a message with fans in Japan about this point in the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise, along with the future of Xenoblade. You can see a snippet of that message below, as translated by Nintendo Everything.

This title depicts the conclusion of the Xenoblade story that began with Klaus’s experiment. While it is a conclusion, that does not mean it is the end of the Xenoblade series. It is just a stopping point in my mind. I think that everyone who played this title and the additional stories in the Expansion Pass can imagine what lies in the future for Xenoblade.

[Monolith Soft’s Tetsuya Takahashi]

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Comments (10)


2y ago

The third entry in a series usually does end a trilogy lol.


2y ago

Trilogy, havent beaten 3 yet, but already suspecting X as 4(or 10), the councils do remind a bit about Elma as well!


2y ago


You do have a pretty solid point there, Kuribo =D


2y ago

Gahhh... I HAVE to play Torna and FINALLY fnish the original XBC. The want for this game is getting stronger day by day!

But I read that this third entry is pretty easy compared to the others. Anyone know about that?


2y ago


Wouldn't say it's any easier than the other games escpecially since there's a hard mode you can pick from the start if you feel the need for a challange, and even on normal I feel it's harder tham 1 at least.


2y ago


I see. Was a bit baffled after reading that comment. But is there also an easy mode? True that? Since I already have you here and all =)


2y ago


you have easy, normal and hard available from the beggining and you can switch difficulty whenever you want during your playthrough, I started on normal but increased it to hard around chapter 5 since it got a bit too easy for my taste. Also unlike XCDE you can't lower your level so you have to take take not to get overlevel if you want to have a challange in the game.

the schaef

2y ago

Moving on to that port / remaster of X, I trust?


2y ago


Having played i think 90 hours since releaseday (yes alot every day) on hardmode, ive not beaten the game yet, and every of a certain kind of boss feels like "the final boss" difficultywise.
Currently walled again, but it is interestingly balanced in a way that if you explore and do like every sidequest you can, you can get forward slowly but surely. 2 for sure were easier, atleast after the knowledge i learned in that game, maybe 3 has something ive missed for more dmg output but thats probably for even later in the game.


2y ago

Without a doubt Xenoblade is my favorite video game franchise all the time. The music is top notch among all music in the video game industry. Each and every one of the Xenoblade games has some of the greatest story telling ever in gaming. The battle system in every single game has been so fun that it is indescribable. The whole entire franchise is just so good that it is what gaming is essentially supposed to be and that is ”FUN”. Xenoblade stands next to Fire Emblem as two of Nintendo‘s greatest JRPG’s.