
The latest White Book publication from the Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association has been a godsend when it comes to sales information. This year’s installment has given us another big breakdown of game sales across platforms and regions, and we’ve shared quite a bit of information from the report today. There’s still one thing left to cover, though, and it’s a very notable tidbit.

We already know the Switch is a massive hit both in terms of units sold and software moved, but today we can put things into better perspective on the game side. When it comes to first party Switch games alone, 55 different first-party titles have managed to move over 1 million units. That’s an incredibly impressive figure for the Big N, as it goes to show just how strong their franchises are.

Of course, you most likely want to know what games are in that list of 55 strong. No worries, as you can see the complete rundown below!

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the schaef

2y ago

After notching 11 of the top 17, I was surprised to have only 16 total. We don't have really any of the Pokemon or sports titles, for a start, and I'm saving all my Xenoblade love for a remake of X. Make it happen, Monolith.


2y ago

That must mean the Switch has sold at least 55 million pieces of software. Pretty cool


2y ago


More like almost 900 million. Inching ever closer to that cool 1 billion!


2y ago

I'm surprised that I have 8


2y ago

Still bummed out that SMO didn't outsell dare Zelda beat up the Super Mario!

Without the Super Mario, there is no Nintendo and without Nintendo, there is no Super Mario period!

Edited 1 time


2y ago

It's crazy to think that there's even 55 first-party entries on a single system in 5 years, let alone that those 55 have all sold over a million.
Does a precedent for this even exist!?


2y ago

I own 20 out of the 55 with maybe another 5 on my wishlist / to-buy list.


2y ago

I own 28 out of the 55. But within a couple years I will own all of them.


2y ago

As of this comment, I currently have 17 out of 55 of the games listed (19 if you count individual games from paired releases (mainline Pokémon of course)).


2y ago

39/55. Maybe I'll get Mario Golf and New Poké Snap at some point too.